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Attach Snow Guards to Your Metal Roof

Protect your home or building with an engineered snow bar (snow guard) system. Each S-5! system is designed to individual site-specific criteria because every roof is different, and every project has different requirements. 

Find the Right Products for Your Roof:

Use the scenarios displayed beside each product to help you choose the right clamp or bracket and compatible snow guard system for your junta alzada or exposed-fastened roof profile. 

Once you select the compatible system, scroll down the page to start engineering the components with our snow guard calculator.

Use the dashboard to the right to revise or edit your previously selected options. Please do not use the back button on your browser to return to the steps in your project.

Customer Installations of S-5! Snow Guard Systems

See our products in action.

Have More Questions?

Submit your information by clicking the form below, and we’ll get back to you almost immediately.

Why Add Snow Guards to Your Metal Roof?

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